Michael Joy – Joyous Films

Freelance Director Cinematographer

“Peavey’s greatest strength is his ability to separate himself from the crowd that believes intensity goes hand in hand with volume, aggression and excessive effects. He brings a sense of balance and measure to the music that allows him to build tension by contrast, not bombast.”

(get testimonial )


Awards won by Michael Joy and Joyous Films

His first feature film, Men’s Group, screened at Rotterdam, Sydney, Melbourne, Warsaw and Singapore International Film Festivals 

and on the Australian Independent Film Award (IF) for best film, script and actor.

Smoke Between Trees, his second feature had its world premiere at Melbourne International Film festival 

and is presently screening on SBS onDemand. 

About Michael Joy

Michael Joy is a multi- award winning Australian Writer, Director and Cinematographer.

His work is diverse and evocative, and his ability to work sensitively with non-actors and actors alike allows him to realise authentic and powerful performances.

As a writer/director he has worked in a number of niches including advertising, feature films and documentaries.

Michael and Joyous Films work is recognised worldwide and has won many prestigious awards. 

Professional Skills 

X years of work across many areas has resulted in Michael having a wide range of skills that can be utilised in many ways. Blah, blah, blah


Feature Film


Upcoming Work

Work Examples

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Feature Film


Upcoming Work

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