Michael Joy – Joyous Films


Michael and Joyous Films
have a strong track record of producing films
for many well known brands.

(Will be white. In colour now for easier editing)

Leura Tourism

about it

India Tourism Campaign

about it

Argyle Pink Diamonds

about it

Commonwealth Bank

about it

Mineral Council 

Hot Seaters

about it

Leura Tourism 


about it


Western Australia

about it

Dr Lewinn’s

about it

Rossendorff Argyle Diamonds

about it


Mineral Council 

Ken Lamb

about it

Fairfield RSL

about it


Dove Men

about it

Glaxo Smith Klein


about it

NSW Health

about it

Blue Moutains Tourism

about it


Feature Film

Michael’s first feature film, Men’s Group, screened at Rotterdam, Sydney, Melbourne, Warsaw and Singapore International Film Festivals.
Winning the Australian Independent Film Award for best film, script and actor.
Joyous Films second, Smoke Between Trees, had its world premier at Melbourne International Film Festival
and is currently screening on SBS on Demand.

(Will be white. In colour now for easier editing)

Smoke Between Trees

about it

Mens Group

about it


about it


A Murmuration and Woodford Boy are two well known documentaries produced by Micheal Joy and Joyous Films.

A Murmuration

about it

Woodford Boy

about it

Upcoming Work

What type of work are you looking to do?

(Will be white. In colour now for easier editing)

Stay In Touch. Lets get a conversation going on how we can collaborate
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